Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hello Again

Happy Tuesday everyone!! 

It has been forever since I last posted on here. I believe the last time I made a post I was 36 weeks pregnant!! Now, I have a 16 month old on my hands. Life has been wonderful with our little man. He is such a curious, adventurous, happy, giggly, little guy with a small little attitude. Little man definitely keeps Ryan and I on our toes, but we wouldn't change a thing about it. 

I'm hoping I can continue to write and share anything and everything on this little space. On another note, if your from the Houston area you are probably aware that we are under a flood warning thanks to Tropical Storm Bill. I had the day off today thanks TSB, so Mommy and Little Man are able to get some cuddles and playtime in today.


I was sitting on Pinterest trying to find activities to do while we are stuck inside today. I figured painting, learning animal sounds, and puzzles would be a great way to spend out afternoon. Here is a glimpse at how are day was spent. Little Man woke up and we cuddled in bed watching cartoon, ate some breakfast and then played. I showed him a book with Farm Animals and he kept saying "og" for Dog and "moo" for cow. I just love how he takes everything in and remembers. He doesn't say the sounds consistently, but he doesn't remember and imitate after we do them. (We need more practice with animal sounds) After we played I figured we could paint, take a bath, and nap. (He has been napping since 12:15 and it is now 2:20!! What......!?!?  This has to be the longest nap ever!!)  Speaking of nap, he wanted Mommy to hold him instead of laying in his crib. I defiantly couldn't turn that down. So I sat in my rocker like we used to when I nursed him and rocked him to sleep. Let me just say this definitely brought some tears to my eyes. He is so grown, that he rarely wants to be held and rest his head on our shoulder so I soaked it up as much I as could. 

So our afternoon on our rain day off has been great so far!! Now Mommy is going to wait till he wakes up so he can have a late lunch and more play time. (I also prepared his lunch early thinking he would wake up soon. Definitely proved me wrong!)

Till Next Time,
